Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Made In America Push

In my American Studies class, we have recently been learning about all of the products we buy which are not made here in America. When you look at the label of your shirt in says Made In China, Indonesia, India, or some other poor and underdeveloped country. ABC has been running a series called "Made In America" which talks about the origins of different products and the push to by more products Made In America. The most recent clip was on the Superbowl. To give you an idea of how an American sport has been outsourced consider this fact: you have to dig back about 50 years to find a football jersey that was made in the U.S. (Superbowl Made In America video).

On a more refreshing note, most of the footballs, helmets, coins, and trophies used in the NFL are made in the U.S. These products give Americans jobs as opposed to foreign laborers. The products also keep the money in America instead of outsourcing it. As a concerned humanitarian, the most important thing the Made In America push does, is takes a stand against the cruelties against foreign laborers. Workers here are paid properly, get breaks during work, and are not abused. 

In case you are still doubtful of switching to buying American made products, consider this example from the video. Tom Brady's jersey is made in Wisconsin, and the company there that makes copies of it has the copies down to the exact centimeter. The souvenir of it which was made in Korea is significantly larger and less precise. On top of American products helping the economy, they are simply better products. Consider that next time you are deciding on whether you should or should not spend the extra few dollars.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that items being made in America do help to keep the money in our country, and provide Americans with another type of job opportunity, but we also have to be aware that though the working conditions in the US are probably much better, there are still many factories, in L.A. for example, that do not have great working conditions. They are much better than places like Africa, China, etc though, because i can assume we are much more strict on our employees in this country working fairer hours in safer facilities, but they are still not ideal.
