Sunday, October 16, 2011

America, The Golden Home

This post is the first of the series of posts that will be examining various aspects of American culture through the McDonald's franchise. I think that one of the stories that we tell ourselves as Americans, is that everyone else wants to be like us. In some ways, this is true and in some ways this is not. It's not true because of things like not everyone has decided to run their country the same way that we run ours, meaning not everyone has a democracy, similar justice system, similar values, the list goes on. However, our impact on the world can be undeniably seen through how the most loved fast food restaurant, and the founder of fast food, has taken the world with over 31,000 restaurants in 119 countries. In case you forgot, I'm talking about McDonald's. But, as McDonald's has become globalized, it has also become glocalized

Two popular McDonald's dishes in India
India is a great example of how other countries are taking an American phenomenon and adapting it to their own customs and ways of life. Hinduism is huge in India and the Indian McDonald's menu reflects that. Hamburgers and other beef products cannot be found on their menu. (McDonald's India menu)This is not to say that Indians do not want to be like us Americans, but it is an example that shows that not everyone is willing to conform to be just like us. 

Another Point I would like to make is that no one ever talks about is that for the most part, other countries were not inviting in McDonalds or American culture, McDonalds began franchising other places on their own. Perhaps it's time we stop believing that the story we tell ourselves about the whole world wanting to be just like us is true. 


  1. Glocalization - Nice!

    Have a dandy day!

  2. thanks dude. U ra fag i hope u burn in hell pussy
